Chapter 2716 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep208
- Ron had used Pam's last bathroom huddle with Beth as time to prepare himself to respond at this very moment, and even through the haze of alcohol and pot, he felt as if he maintained proper innocence while he said, "Um, well this sounds sort of embarrassing, I mean it feels like it is all over, you know, everything." He nodded to his crotch.
- "Listen sweetie," Beth cooed as she dropped the various towels on the bed between his legs, "Pam and I just talked about it, and we understand how having two women, one of them being your girlfriend's mother, seeing and touching you, you know, down there, will likely be rather awkward, but we are going to tackle this with the appropriate attitude, almost as if we were nurses treating a young patient."
- As Beth spoke, Ron's gaze bounced between the two women. Pam appeared to be as nervous and apprehensive as Beth was assertive, and neither looked in the least like a nurse.